Why your social media strategy is NOT working

Here are eight reasons why your social media strategy is not working and what you should be doing instead:

#1 Chasing shiny objects 

Every new dance challenge or meme format promises a ticket to virality, the temptation to jump aboard can be inviting. But is this approach can leave your account looking inauthentic. 

While rapid growth is a metric many desire, it's not always paired with genuine engagement or a cohesive online presence. By continuously hopping from one trend to another, your account will risk becoming a disjointed mosaic of unrelated content. Your audience might struggle to understand the core message or value you're offering, leading to a lack of brand recognition and loyalty.

Trends are, by their very nature, short-lived. While they can offer momentary boosts in visibility and engagement, relying solely on them for growth can be dangerous. 

Of course, a viral post increases the chances of getting more followers, but what happens after? If viewers arrive at your profile and don't find content relevant to the viral post or, worse, see a stream of seemingly unrelated trending posts, they might question the authenticity of your brand. 

What you should be doing: 

While it's essential to stay updated with the dynamic world of social media, it's equally crucial to maintain a steady vision for your brand's online presence. You need to think long-term when you want to build a brand. Instead of chasing every shiny object in order to try to grow quickly, consider incorporating relevant trends into your content strategy. 

Before jumping onto a trend, ask yourself: Does this align with my brand's values, voice, and audience? If a trend feels forced or out of place with your business niche, it might come across as inauthentic. This perceived lack of authenticity can prevent potential followers or customers. After all, today's social media-savvy audience values genuineness and can usually discern when brands are being disingenuous.

By striking a balance between being trendy and being true to your brand, you'll build an authentic, engaged, and sustainable audience.

#2 Lacking authenticity 

In the vast digital landscape of today, one's unique voice and authentic self are invaluable assets. Yet, many fall into the trap of mirroring others, thinking it's a shortcut to success. This approach, unfortunately, comes with its pitfalls.

Following trends or merely "doing what others are doing" might seem like a quick way to gain traction, but it often ends up diluting one's true essence. This conformity stifles creativity, which is the lifeblood of meaningful online content.

Social media platforms thrive on genuine human connections. Modifying your personality to fit a certain mold or to mirror someone popular might offer temporary engagement, but it prevents the formation of genuine, lasting connections. If you're not authentic, especially on camera, audiences can sense it. The façade is often transparent, making it difficult to forge real bonds with your followers.

Some believe that emulating successful figures is the fastest route to their own success. However, this strategy can backfire. Audiences today are savvy. They're drawn to originality and can easily distinguish between authentic content and mere imitations. Being inauthentic not only fails to draw them in but can actively repel potential followers.

Building credibility in any niche demands consistency, expertise, and most importantly, authenticity. Consistently leaning on others' content strategies doesn't just dilute your unique voice; it can also chip away at your credibility. In the realm of social media, authenticity is synonymous with trust. If your audience senses that your content is largely copied, it casts a shadow on your expertise and authenticity, making it challenging to position yourself as a credible voice in your niche.

What you should be doing: 

In conclusion, while it's essential to learn from others, it's equally crucial to infuse your own personality and originality into your online presence. After all, people follow you for your unique perspective, not for a second-hand version of someone else's. Embrace your individuality, and let your authenticity shine through.

#3 Dont understand your audience

The Key Mistake Brands Make

In the vast expanse of the digital ecosystem, understanding your audience is not just recommended – it's essential. With countless brands batteling for attention, the content you put out must resonate with the specific needs and interests of your audience.

While posting content that you personally enjoy might seem appealing, this strategy can often backfire if it doesn't align with what your audience wants. If the primary goal of using social media is to amplify brand awareness and generate potential clients, then your content strategy should center around your audience's preferences and pain points.

Overlooking or outright ignoring the concerns, interests, or problems of your audience can hinder your account's growth. In a world where consumers have plenty of choices, they naturally gravitate towards brands that speak to their needs, offer solutions, and provide value.

What you should be doing: 

Dive deep into analytics. Tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and Instagram Analytics can provide a treasure trove of information about your audience's behavior, preferences, and interactions.

Prioritize creating content that offers genuine value, be it educational, entertaining, or solution-oriented, tailored to your audience's needs.

Keep in mind that your audience preferences evolve. Continuously monitor audience feedback, and be ready to pivot your content strategy when necessary.

#4 Lacking innovation 

Social media channels are evolving and so should your content strategy. Using the same content strategy year after year can lead to significant disconnects with your audience. What was effective and resonant a few years ago might not align with the present preferences, trends, or algorithms. 

The same goes for continuously pushing out the same content not only dampens the interest of your existing audience but can also make it difficult to attract new followers. Novelty sparks engagement, while repetition risks causing content fatigue among viewers.

You have to understand that the market – or, more precisely, your audience – decides what it wants to consume. By not adapting to their changing tastes, needs, or habits, content creators risk becoming out-of-touch and irrelevant. If, for example, you're a marketing agency that hasn't incorporated TikTok marketing services and still believes that merely posting bi-weekly on clients' behalf is making a significant impact, you're gravely mistaken. 

Social media platforms are constantly changing, regularly introducing new features, algorithms, and engagement tools. Sticking to an outdated strategy means missing out on growing your account and reaching a new audience.

What you should be doing: 

Social media strategies is about trial and error. You need to be open to exploring new channels, and content formats. By embracing change and move with the trends you ensure that your brand is statying relevant. 

#5 Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic Expectations are the silent killer of social media strategies. A significant pitfall many content creators and brands stumble upon in the digital landscape is the expectation of outlandish and instantaneous results. This perspective is largely fueled by the widely circulated yet often misunderstood concept of "overnight success."

At first glance, numerous success stories seem to have blossomed overnight. But delve deeper, and you'll often find years of effort, countless trials, and unwavering dedication behind them. Real success in the social media world demands persistence, consistency, and time. Believing otherwise is a dangerous misconception.

Setting goals like "I want to grow by 10K followers in a month" not only places unnecessary pressure on content creators but also risks compromising the quality and authenticity of content. Instead of focusing on genuine engagement and connection, the chase becomes solely about numbers, leading to a diluted strategy.

While creating viral content can indeed be a game-changer and led to an increase in following but making it the core of your strategy is absurd. Chasing virality can divert attention from steady growth and building a loyal audience. Plus, if every piece of content is created with the sole intention of it "going viral," creators set themselves up for frequent disappointment. There's no guaranteed formula for virality, and believing otherwise can lead to disillusionment.

Unrealistic expectations don't just jeopardize content strategies; they also impact creators' mental well-being. The constant pressure, coupled with the inevitable disappointment when lofty goals aren't met, can result in burnout and diminished enthusiasm for the craft.

What you should be doing: 

While ambition is needed, it's crucial to set realistic expectations. By focusing on authentic engagement, understanding the nuances of the platform, and appreciating the journey as much as the destination, content creators and brands can foster a healthier, more sustainable relationship with social media.

#6 Don't understand each social media platform

A common misconception is that every platform can be treated the same, and content can be duplicated across them. This misunderstanding often leads to diminished engagement and missed opportunities.

The saying "one size fits all" does not apply to your social media strategy. While posting the same content and caption across all channels might seem efficient, doing so is the wrong approach. Each platform has its distinct vibe, communication style, and user expectations.

Just as a craftsman chooses the right tool for the job, a good social media strategist chooses the right content for each platform. For instance, while TikTok might resonate with content like "a day in my life," LinkedIn users often seek more professional insights, industry news, or actionable advice. Understanding and respecting these differences is key.

One of the costliest mistakes brands make is assuming every platform has its unique audience. This oversight can not only lead to ineffective content but can also dilute a brand's image on a specific platform.

What you should be doing: 

The solution? Craft a distinct strategy for each platform. This doesn't mean creating entirely different content for each (though that can be effective), but tweaking your content to suit the language, tone, and preferences of each platform's audience can make a world of difference.

To truly shine and connect with diverse audiences, it's imperative to speak their language and cater to their preferences. Uniformity might be convenient, but customization is where real connections are made.

#7 Not Experimenting with New Content Formats

Experimenting and trying new things is a huge part of being successful online. 

If you are not trying new content formats, your brand's visibility can become stagnant. When thinking about content formats, consider audio in the form of a podcast, video content long and short, or written form content for a blog. 

What you should be doing:

Experimentation is not just a strategy; it's a mindset. By embracing diverse content formats, brands can ensure they remain vibrant, relevant, and engaging in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

#8 You are blaming the algorithm 

It's not me, it's you. Countless content creators, social media managers, and brands blame the algorithm for decreased exposure and engagement. 

While I agree that changes in algorithms can be responsible for whether your content is seen or not, simply blaming the algorithm is not the way to go. It's undeniable that platforms adjust their algorithms. These tweaks are designed to optimize user experience, keeping audiences engaged and presenting them with content they'll find most relevant. 

If an algorithm changes, so should your strategy. Platforms often give hints about their preferences. Take Instagram's shift towards Reels, for instance. The platform started favoring this dynamic content, offering increased visibility for those who jumped on the bandwagon. Sticking solely to posting images and then wondering why engagement decreased is not the algorithm's fault; it is your fault for not adapting. Just as with content formats, if your strategy remains static while the platform's preferences evolve, you risk being left behind.

It's easy to get complacent, expecting steady engagement based on past strategies. But when numbers drop, instead of blaming the algorithm, it's more productive to reassess and pivot. Being proactive and versatile in your approach can keep your content relevant regardless of platform changes.


What you should be doing: 

The best way to stay ahead? Stay informed. Keep an eye on platform updates, participate in community discussions, and be ready to tweak your strategy. Embrace change as an integral part of the social media journey.

While it's tempting to point fingers at the mysterious workings of algorithms, true growth comes from understanding, adaptation, and innovation. In the vast digital ocean, it's the most adaptable who thrive. Instead of resisting the waves, learn to ride them.


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