How to create month worth of reels in a day

How to create a month's worth of reels in a three days.

How to create a content plan

In order to batch-create reel content, you need to stay on top of your tasks and progress. It is important to be organized. You can turn to software like Notion or Trello to keep track of the progress. Within those platforms, you would create different "categories," and each reel would be its own task. Within the task, you can make notes. You would move the task along the workflow or "categories" you created. You can use the following headlines as your "categories," generating ideas, script writting, filming, editing, and posting.

#1 Generate Ideas 

There are three ways that you can generate ideas for your reels:

Social Media

Spend about 30 min to 1 hour per day scrolling social media and consuming niche-related content. Identify trends, popular formats, and topics from competitors in your niche. Save all of the content pieces and trends. 

The saved content isn't just for observation; it's a foundation for inspiration. Don't copy, but use these as inspiration for your own unique content. Think about how you can put your own spin on a trend or adapt a content style to reflect your brand voice.

Only save and recreate videos that truly excite you. If you are bored when filming, your audience will notice. 

Here's a tip: Consider establishing dedicated accounts on platforms like TikTok and Instagram exclusively for brainstorming and creative stimulation. You might ask yourself why? Social media platforms operate on smart, adaptable algorithms that observe and adapt to your engagement patterns. By consistently and exclusively interacting with niche-related content on these specialized accounts, you're essentially training the algorithm. Over time, this tailor your feed to consistently showcase only the most relevant content to your interests. It's like having a custom-made idea generator right at your fingertips. As you immerse yourself in this finely-tuned feed, you'll find your mind brimming with inspiration, ensuring you never run dry of fresh concepts and innovative approaches. In essence, you're not just browsing; you're sculpting a digital muse designed to constantly fuel your creativity.

Artifical Intelligence

AI is a useful tool when creating content. Tools like ChatGPT can help you tremendously when it comes to content creation. 

You can create prompts including your audience, topics, and your offer. So a prompt could look like this:

Can you come up with a list of TikTok reel ideas for a solopreneur who teaches people how to apply makeup. The target audience's age is 15 to 20. I tell them what type of products to buy on a budget, what brands to splurge on, and what to avoid. 

The AI tool will give you several ideas that you can utilize. You can also go further by asking the AI tool to list frequently asked questions or objections to purchase and then suggest answers to them.

Check out my blog post on how to use ChatGPT in your business, or watch my YouTube video. 


Another resource for finding ideas quickly is simply going to Google. In the search bar, type in your question and scroll down. You'll see a section labeled "People Also Ask." Use these questions for your content ideas.

Keep in mind when creating content:

New followers 

New followers are users that scroll the internet. These users want to consume quick size bite pieces of information. These users don't know who you are, so create content that hooks them, leaving them wanting to consume more. 

Existing follers 

These people already know your brand and follow you. They are invested in your journey. For existing followers, create content that is tailored to get to know you more and longer form content that explains your services and product in-depth. 

#2 Write the Scripts

Armed with a month's worth (or almost, if you're eyeing February) of ideas, it's time to delve into the art of scriptwriting. The tool you choose for this process is entirely up to your comfort and preference. Whether you use Excel, Airtable, Notion, or Monday, what's essential is maintaining a streamlined and organized workflow.

Personally, I'm using an Excel sheet. I've structured my sheet with the following columns to track the journey of each video idea: "Idea," "Script," "Filmed," "Edited," and "Scheduled."

Crafting that Captivating Hook:

The first few seconds of your video are crucial. They decide whether a viewer stays or scrolls past. Begin with a captivating hook that commands attention. Here are a few tried-and-true starters:

  • "Listen up, marketers..."

  • "I bet this will surprise you..."

  • "Sidestep [common mistake] if your goal is [desired outcome]..."

  • "[Number] revelations that transformed my journey..."

  • "Hello [city]! Here’s something you won't want to miss..."

Value-Packed Content:

Time is of the essence in the world of video content. Conciseness, combined with value, is your best friend. As you script, dive straight into the meat of your content. Whether it's advice, insight, or a story, ensure it resonates with your audience and leaves them enriched.

Flexibility in Scripting:

The script you are writing could be anything from a few bullet points to a fully scripted video. The key lies in adapting the content, tone, and style to the tastes and preferences of your target audience. Remember, authenticity and relatability trump perfection.

The Power of a CTA:

A call to action is your video's climax – the step you want your viewers to take after engaging with your content. Whether you're aiming for likes, shares, comments, or website visits, ensure your CTA is compelling. Strategically place it either mid-way, to catch those who might not view it till the end or as a powerful concluding note.

#3 Film

Now that you have all your scripts in place, it's time to film. My tip: Switch up your outfit after every ten videos. This approach ensures variety, and once your posts are scheduled, it will seem like they were filmed on different days. Simple yet effective!

Sprinkle in different props or backdrops throughout your videos. This subtle change can give the illusion of diversity in your content, ensuring viewers feel each video is fresh and unique.

Remember that during the filming step, you are just filming. No editing, no scheduling - just filming. 

Here's how to film high-quality looking content:

  • Camera: You can use your smartphone to film or opt in for a camera with a higher video resolution - ideally 1080 pixels.

  • Microphone: You'll need a shirt mic or mini-microphone, also called a Lavalier mic, that plugs into your smartphone or camera. This improves the sound quality, and audiences love the way it looks. 

  • Lighting and location: Look for a quiet place to film where you won't be disturbed. While natural light can work wonders, don't hesitate to invest in a ring light, especially if you plan on filming regularly. It provides even lighting, ensuring you always look your best.

  • Teleprompters: If the idea of memorizing lines or winging it feels daunting, consider a teleprompter. It can be a game-changer, allowing you to seamlessly read a full script or glance at your notes. This tool can boost confidence, ensuring your delivery remains smooth and natural.

#4 Edit

Edit your videos all in one sitting rather than editing one video at a time. While numerous mobile editing apps are available, the precision, speed, and expansive tools offered by computer software are unparalleled. Working on a computer generally gives you a larger workspace, greater detail visibility, and faster processing. If you're serious about producing quality content, this is the way to go.

Trim out prolonged pauses and eliminate those inevitable "uhms" and "mmhs." Clean, seamless transitions between your thoughts ensure viewer engagement doesn't wane.

Elevate with Multimedia Elements:

Add layers of depth and interest to your content with the following:

  • B-roll Footage: These are secondary shots that add context, texture, or additional understanding to your primary footage. For instance, if you're discussing a product, the b-roll could be close-up shots of the product in use.

  • Text and Graphics: Whether it's highlighting key points, adding statistics, or just bringing in a fun element, text, and graphics can punctuate your message effectively.

  • GIFs: Infuse a dash of humor or relatability with GIFs. They're relatable, trending, and can make your content more shareable.

  • Sound Effects: Sound cues can act as transitional elements, emphasize key points, or simply make your video more dynamic. Be sure to use them judiciously, though, as overdoing them can distract from your message.

#5 Post

It is up to you to schedule your post ahead of time or store the videos on your device and post them at the moment. Whether you schedule or directly post the content to your social media networks, make sure to include keywords in your captions, add a CTA, and use hashtags. 


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