How brands stay relevant in today's market space

The marketing world is shifting fast, and if you want to stay relevant in today's day and age, you need to focus more on your audience and less on disruptive ads.

Immersive experiences

Immersive experiences capture the imaginations of audiences worldwide, offering an innovative and interactive approach to showcasing products, marketing films, or connecting people with art. They're more than just a trend; they're reshaping how we engage with the world.

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, brands must continually reinvent themselves to stay relevant, especially to younger audiences. Consider the average person under 30, for whom a traditional day at an art museum might not appeal much. Now, imagine transforming that experience into an interactive journey that artfully blends technology and creativity – that's the magic of immersive experiences.

The Van Gogh Experience is a perfect example of this innovative approach. It beautifully marries traditional elements of art appreciation with modern technology to create a captivating, multisensory experience. Canvas paintings aren't just hung on the wall; they come alive, inviting visitors to step into the art and explore it from a unique perspective.

Rather than overwhelming visitors with extensive written information, the Van Gogh Experience distills knowledge into digestible, engaging segments that enhance understanding without fatiguing the audience. The environment itself becomes an integral part of the experience, with rooms covered in LED screens from floor to ceiling, continually showcasing various paintings and taking visitors on a visual journey through Van Gogh's artistry.

The addition of Virtual Reality (VR) headsets further deepens this immersive experience, allowing visitors to fully lose themselves in the world of Van Gogh's art. This innovative use of technology transforms the traditional museum experience into an immersive, interactive adventure that resonates strongly with today's digitally-savvy audiences.

There are a lot of other brands that are using immersive experiences to connect better with their clients. Stranger Things and the Barbie movie are just a few examples. 

Why should brands think about immersive experiences?

These live digital experiences are incredibly effective in evoking some sort of emotional response from the audience. In the context of branding, emotional engagement is paramount. When audiences are emotionally invested, they are more likely to recall, advocate for, and stay loyal to a brand. Immersive experiences, by engaging multiple senses and fostering interactive involvement, can evoke such emotional responses more effectively than traditional marketing methods.

For instance, a fashion brand might use augmented reality to allow customers to virtually try on clothes. Or a car manufacturer might create a virtual test drive experience for a newly launched model. These are not just cool tech features; they are immersive experiences that bring the brand to life in the customers' environment, thereby offering a well-rounded interaction that leaves a lasting impression.

By integrating immersive experiences into their strategy, brands can create memorable moments that deepen the relationship with their audience. It's an investment that not only enhances the present customer experience but also future-proofs the brand in an increasingly digital world. The era of immersive experiences is here, and for brands looking to stay relevant and competitive, it's an opportunity like no other.

Make your audience co-creators

Creating products and sharing them online is one way to do it - the traditional way. If you want to connect and build an audience on platforms like TikTok, you have to involve your audience. One brand that executed this strategy flawlessly is Bubble, a skincare brand targeted toward Gen Z. 

All of their marketing was done completely organic by utilizing a chat platform similar to Discord. Before the brand launched its product, they used focus groups to see how people would react to their products which kicked off the idea of involving Gen Zers in the product creation. A brand ambassador program was launched, and members received free products and discounts in return for suggestions and feedback. According to the founder, she immersed herself in understanding the behavior of Gen Z and created a community that was part of every decision in developing the brand. 

Why should you involve your community or create brand ambassador programs? 

Involving your community in your brand's journey is much more than just a strategic decision; it's about fostering a symbiotic relationship between your brand and its consumers. This bond goes beyond the simple transactional interaction, instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility among your consumers towards your brand.

When customers feel included in the brand's processes - be it product development, design selection, or service improvements - they perceive a certain degree of ownership. They start seeing themselves as not just consumers but as integral participants in the brand's journey. This sense of ownership can spur them to become ambassadors of your brand, sharing and recommending it within their networks.

Let's take a common scenario: choosing a product design. By providing several design options and inviting your community to vote for their favorite, you're not just gathering valuable market insights but also making your community feel valued and heard. They become more invested in the outcome since they've had a hand in shaping it.

Similarly, product creation based on audience demand turns the traditional model on its head. Instead of assuming what your customers want, you're asking them directly. This not only increases the chances of your product being successful but also communicates to your audience that their opinions and needs matter to your brand.

Involving your community should be a core strategy for any brand. It amplifies customer loyalty, enhances word-of-mouth marketing, and provides invaluable insights directly from the people who matter most - your customers. It's a win-win strategy that places your community at the heart of your brand's narrative.

Focus on networks with attention

In the digital age, staying relevant means being present where the eyeballs are. This requires an understanding of the social media landscape, knowing which platforms are attracting the most engagement, which advertising channels yield the highest returns, and identifying the types of content that resonate with today's audience.

Digital marketing is a fluid and ever-evolving field. It's a bit like navigating a river; the current changes constantly, and to stay afloat, you must adjust your course accordingly. Just like the river's current, the popularity of platforms, the effectiveness of ad channels, and content trends shift over time.

For instance, a platform that might have been the golden child of social media a few years ago may now be losing ground to newer, more engaging platforms. Similarly, an advertising channel that once delivered an impressive ROI may not be as effective today as consumer behaviors and algorithms evolve.

In terms of content, you need to keep a pulse on what's trending. Are consumers favoring bite-sized, ephemeral content like Instagram Stories or TikTok videos? Or is long-form, information-dense content like white papers and webinars more impactful in your industry?

Sticking to a strategy that worked six years ago, or even two years ago, could spell irrelevance in today's rapidly changing digital landscape. It's vital to regularly review, revise, and revitalize your digital marketing strategy to ensure your brand stays not only relevant but ahead of the curve.

In essence, successful digital marketing is about adaptability and a keen awareness of where the attention is flowing. Keep your finger on the pulse of your audience, stay flexible, and be ready to shift your strategy to where the attention goes. Your brand's relevance and growth depend on it.


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