How to build an audience on TikTok

Building an audience on TikTok is a challenging task, but with the right tools and strategies, it's definitely possible. 

TikTok is a source of entertainment for millions, and it's changing the social media game. Anyone can create and upload videos from anywhere. Anyone can share a story. Anyone can become viral.

But it's not always easy.

Have you ever had an idea for a viral video, only to look back later and see hundreds of posts with similar videos? Have you ever uploaded a new video only to watch it melt into the millions of others?

Read on if you want to stand out in a sea of videos. This blog post shows how to create an audience on TikTok and turn your videos into a trend.

How to build an audience on TikTok

Creating engaging videos that appeal to your viewers. 

To build an audience on TikTok, you need to create video content that is interesting and original. Using funny and engaging topics can help attract more viewers while incorporating creative effects and transitions to keep them engaged. 

It's important to understand what makes a good video and how to create engaging content that will keep viewers watching. 

1) Research

Start by researching interesting topics or locations that appeal to your niche audience. This will help you curate videos based on interests rather than just making random videos in random places that don't appeal to users on the platform. 

2) Music 

Make sure each video has a catchy melody or trending sound that will get people to stop scrolling and engage with your video. 

3) Effects 

Keep things lively by incorporating effects, transitions, or filters into your videos. They can spice up the visuals!

4) Text 

Incorporate text into your videos. Use close captions in your video, especially if you talk in the video. Remember, not everyone can turn on sounds when watching your videos. Additionally, use bold fonts to highlight significant words to keep users engage and to covert your message. 

5) Trends

Keep up with trending content. An effective way to build an audience and get eyeballs on your content is to post trending content that aligns with your message. Trending content refers to sound bites, filters, or songs. When using trending pieces, you want to be creative with your approach and tie in your brand message. Remember, you want to be an early adopter when it comes to trending content because the earlier you jump on the bandwagon, the higher your chances of becoming viral. 

6) Value 

Providing value is important to keep viewers engaged and coming back. While trending content might attract a user, value is keeping the user. 

Value could be anything from education, testimonials, tips, advice, or entertainment. 

7) Consistency 

Organic exposure on TikTok is huge but will most likely not last. So it’s important to publish as much content as possible to this platform to grow your account. Produce content and publish at least one video a day. Two or three daily videos are ideal. 

Cross promoting

Once you have created original content, let the TikTok algorithm do its thing but start promoting your content on other social channels.  Just like a bee, you want to pollinate as many flowers or in this case, social media platforms.  Post content snippets of your TikTok and encourage your existing fans to follow you on TikTok as well. Promoting content across other channels will raise awareness around your account. 

Remember: The key to growing online channels is to post unique content across them. Don’t promote your TikTok account if you post the same content across all your social media platforms. If you are posting the same content, it does not give your followers a reason to follow you on another platform. 

Building an audience on TikTok can be achieved by following the tips provided. 

Finally, continue creating new content for your fans daily! They can be funny, dramatic, or anything in between.


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