Turn fans into customers on Instagram

Are you offering a product or service that you're trying to sell on Instagram?

Although you have a decent following, no one is purchasing your product?

In this article, you'll discover the biggest mistakes to avoid and how to turn fans into customers on Instagram.

Why use Instagram in 2022 as part of your marketing strategy?

Instagram first launched way back in October 2010, and has become a leading social media channel since, with over 1.22 billion people using this platform each month.

Instagram is also Gen Z's favorite social media platform out, ranking TikTok, the new kid on the block.

Users over the age of 18 use the app almost 30 minutes per day, exploring not only the newsfeed but scrolling through Instagram stories, watching live streams and reels, or discovering new brands.

Instagram is still growing fast, and the platform offers tons of opportunities for creators and brands.

Here are the five things you need to know to turn fans into paying customers on Instagram in 2022.

Instagram one stop shop

#1 Focus on building a community

You need to be active and intentional about the content you create to build a community online.

Everyone is always thriving to grow the following, but in reality, you should focus on building a community, not just an audience. 

So what's the difference between a community and an audience? A community is a group of brand advocates who love to engage with your content by commenting, liking, sharing, and direct messaging you. A community is active online, and they care about your brand.

Whereas followers just sit there and don't engage with your content. It's like going to a sports game without ever cheering for your home team. Who wants a stadium full of an audience that does not cheer?

Instagram is a one-stop-shop

Other social media players are focusing on one single type of content. Tiktok lets users upload short-form video content, and YouTube is known for longer-form video content.

These social media platforms have limited ways for users to interact with content. For example, you cannot direct message your favorite YouTube creator to start a private conversation on the platform, or you cannot upload still images to share with your audience on TikTok.

Instagram is a platform that offers all of the above and more in one single platform. On Instagram, you can upload still images, short and long-form video content, stories, and customized lenses and effects. All these different ways to upload content help you attract new followers, build relationships, nurture existing connections, and finally convert your community into paying customers.

If you're posting one type of content or focusing only on one stage of the buyer journey, you're missing out. 

#2 Unlock the content Formular

Posting on Instagram without a strategy is like going to the forest and eating every mushroom you see - not a good idea.

If you only post one type of content and use the same strategy you have used for years, you shouldn't be surprised why your account is not growing, and you stay stagnant. Remember, you are not the only account on Instagram. You need to stand out and offer a variety of content types.

Your goal is to build a relationship with your community, which can be achieved by switching up your content. Imagine meeting your friends and having the same conversation every time. That's super boring, and your followers feel the same if you continue posting the same content all the time.

Post formats

Instagram offers many different posting formats, from images to videos and stories. It can be very tempting to abandon your current strategy every time Instagram releases a new feature. But instead of throwing your current strategy overboard to only focusing on one format, for example, reels is the wrong approach.

You need to understand what formats to use in what phrase of your sales pitch. Reels are great for awareness, carousel posts are amazing for engagement, and stories show a personal touch.

Different content within the same post formats

It is important to showcase a different variety of posts (reels, carousel, stories) to reach your audience, but you also need to switch up your content within those formats.

For example, if you usually post "talking head" stories, switch them up and include images, quotes, behind the scene content to keep your viewers engaged.

Remember: Everyone has a different preference on how to consume content. Design your content in a way where you can cater to different learners.

Understand your community

Don't confuse defining your niche with understanding your community. These are two completely different things.

Understanding your community goes beyond the age range, demographic, or interests. It dives into the mindset of why did they follow you in the first place, what content they prefer from you and why they purchased or did not purchase your offer.

Instagram survey

There are two ways and how you can obtain that information.

Run a survey

Conducting a survey is the easiest way to get those results. You can run a simplified survey or a more advanced one.

Simple survey:

A simple survey can be conducted via your Instagram stories. You would put the question into the Q&A sticker and post it on your story.

Advanced survey:

An advanced survey is a survey you put together via Google Forms or a tool like survey monkey. The advantage, you have the chance to ask clients open-ended questions and ask for their opinion.

If you choose to run a survey, be sure to include an incentive. Share a free gift, coupon code, or prize draw when they complete the questionnaire.

Remember: While surveys will provide insight into how your audience feels, opinions and behavior change over time. So it makes sense to check in regularly with your community.

Start a conversation (DM)

Another way you engage with your community is by promoting them to send you a direct message to start the conversation.

For example, you can post about an offer and direct your audience to send you a direct message to learn more about the offer.

Once a potential customer slides into your DM, you must listen to them carefully. Like, really listen to them, listen to their opinions, feedback, comments, and questions.

Continue to nurture your relationship and provide valuable information if someone direct messages you.

#3 Posting Content


You have to show your expertise and give people a reason to follow you.


Don't post content just to fill your channel. Everything that you put out should contain value. Your posts should empower and motivate your audience by giving them ideas, insights, or educational content.

Personalize your brand

The truth is, people, connect with people they can relate to. It is important that you show the human aspect of your brand. You can utilize photos, stories, and videos that tell your story in your content strategy to connect with your online audience.

Introduce and re-introduce yourself to your followers to build a relationship. Share a personal story to strengthen the bond between you and your audience.


Showing your expertise, providing constant value, and showing the human aspect of your brand are all fantastic strategies to gain and maintain followers.

But, you also need to think about your income.

A lot of marketers get nervous as soon as it comes to introducing their offer. "Salsey" posts have a low engagement rate, making it seem like your audience is not interested, but that's wrong. You will notice clicks and conversions outside of Instagram.

If you are just getting started with selling online, here are a few tips:

Create a carousel post outlining your offer and on the last slide, include a call to action directing your viewers to your offer.

Post client reviews to your IG stories once to twice a week to establish authority

Create a lead magnet such as a mini-course (if you are a consultant or course creator) or free samples (if you are selling tangible good) that allows your customers to get to know your teaching style or product better.

#5 Analytics

Last but not least, utilize your analytics to understand what works online.

Understand your metrics and look at the correct metrics that match your goal. Oftentimes, we look at the wrong metrics and get discouraged. If you want to grow your audience, look at your post performance and analyze what content type brought in the most new followers. Looking at what post generated the most click would be the wrong approach.

Instagram analytics

Stick to your strategy and analyze carefully why things don't work. If you want more sales, ask for them. Don't ask for comments and likes if you want sales.

Remember: Being active on social media will cost you time, so be strategic with the content you are putting out. Ask yourself, "Does my content provide value?" If you continue to show up, you will positively impact your account.


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