Why building a community is more important than ever

Whether you have your own business selling goods, blogging on social media, or working as a social media manager, building a community online should be your number one priority. 

In this article, you'll discover why focusing on building communities is now more important than ever and how to do it. 

What is a community 

In the traditional sense, a community is a group of people with something in common, such as values, identity, religion, or interests. But communities can also be a group of people situated in the same geographical area.  

building community online

What is the difference between a community and an audience?

Community members have strong opinions about your product and are likely to voice them to others. They are brand evangelists that would recommend your product or service to anyone. They proudly show that they like your brand. 

If a community member meets another, they connect instantly over the fact that they belong to the same community. 

On the other hand, an audience are people who follow you online because they've seen one of your posts or generally enjoy your content because of its value. They are less likely to talk about your brand to others. They don't feel a sense of belonging or urgency to tell others about your product.

Key takeaways on why you need to focus on building a community: 

  • Audience cares about the brand message, communities care and engage with your message through meaningful conversations.

  • An audience can be bought, but a community cannot.

  • Brands have to interact with an audience; communities engage on their own with brands.

  • Audiences are detached, communities are involved.

  • An audience moves on quickly; communities will support and stick around.

Current marketing landscape

Change is inevitable, and that's what's coming—currently, there are three major online players - Facebook, Google, and TikTok. You don't have much control over your accounts or privacy as a user, so the platform can shut down your account anytime. 

Mid-2022 inflation increased the prices of goods and services, forcing companies and advertisers to be more cautious about where they spent their money. A possible recession might be on the horizon. 

What does that mean for marketers? During these times, it is even more valuable to have a strong community that supports your brand regardless of the current market circumstances. 

Future marketing landscape

At this point, you must have heard of Web 3.0, and if you haven't, you should look into it. Ultimately, Web 3.0 is coming, and it's going to change the way brands interact with consumers and the other way around.  

future of marketing

Consumers will have more control over their personal information and who to share it with. Loyalty points, [concert] tickets, purchases, and returns will be found on the blockchain, allowing consumers to track every step. 

Another aspect of Web 3.0 is decentralization. It means there is no centralized authority or entity controlling the internet. This will enable each internet user to control their own data and content. For example, Facebook or Google are centralized authorities, controlling the internet and what users can and can't do when using their applications.

Increased decentralization and privacy will make the internet a more personal and tailored experience. Blockchain and augmented reality/virtual reality will change how people interact with the online world.

Building communities and relationships are extremely important in the marketing landscape. Building communities will help position yourself as a credible and trusted source. It will help you to encourage users to buy into your projects, such as NTF projects. 

Creating a community online to build valuable relationships is now more important than ever. 

How to build a community online 

Now that you understand the importance of building a community and where the marketing trend is heading, it's time to know how to build a community online.

Build a human connection

The first step to building a community is to make it personal. Show your followers who is behind the Instagram account to take away the anonymity if you are a solopreneur or blogger, and show glimpses of your life. 

As a brand, you can share tips, recommendations, and advice. Talk to your online community in the same way you would talk to customers who walk into your store. 

Overall, provide valuable content and use engagement-boosting Instagram features such as Instagram story polls and question stickers to encourage interactions.

Show off your values

Stand up for what you believe in and let your audience know. 

This could be endorsing a social cause your brand cares about or advocating the lifestyle choices you support through your content. There is no right or wrong way to do it, as long as it's authentic to your brand.

Clear brand values are a fantastic way to build a community of like-minded people who are more likely to connect with you and one another about the subjects they care about.

Utilize user-generated content (UGC)

If you are not using UGC in your content strategy, you are missing out on building a connection with your audience. 

Posting content that was produced by your audience makes them feel like a VIP when their image shows up on your account. 

user generated content

You can encourage your audience to produce user-generated content by hosting contests, competitions and using a dedicated hashtag for your brand.

Loyalty programs

Giving back to the community is a great way to further strengthen the bond between you and a customer. Showing gratitude for your community support does not need to break the bank. 

Loyalty programs, discounts, giveaways, and donations to social causes are simple but effective ways to reward your community for their support.


Follow these tips, and you'll be able to create a loyal and engaged community online.

While there is no such thing as overnight success when building meaningful relationships, it is a long-term strategy worth investing in.


8 Ways to increase customer engagement on Instagram 


How to build an audience on TikTok