How to create viral posts?

3 Tips on how to create viral post on Instagram

1. Niche

It is super important to have a niche. It will help you define your account and builds the foundation for your Instagram success. If you need help defining your niche, uniqueness, and branding, check out my book Instagram Strategies & Tactics - The Blueprint To Gain Followers And Increase Engagement. I dedicated an entire chapter to this topic. 

Much too often do I see accounts posting all types of content. Bloggers call themselves food bloggers but are posting about fashion, travel, and their kids. I understand that you want to share the majority of your life with your followers. But by posting random content that does not relate to your niche, you will confuse and lose followers or slow down growth. 

Before you post another image, think about your niche and what you want to achieve with your Instagram account. Don’t be like the restaurant around the corner that offers Mexican food, pasta, and burgers. They have a huge menu, but none of their food items taste amazing because they try to focus on too many things. If you are trying to focus on too many things, you will only be producing half-a** content.

2. Brainstorm

I always say you don’t have to reinvent the wheel; you have to improve it. In order to find fresh content ideas for your Instagram feed, it is crucial to brainstorm. The best way to find new ideas is by looking around. I recommend looking at accounts that you find appealing and subconsciously like. These Instagram accounts do not need to relate to your niche but should serve as an inspiration purpose.

Lookup a few accounts, I suggest somewhere between 10 - 20 accounts and start analyzing them. These are the three-steps you have to take:

  1. Content-type - Does the account have a content format. In my book, I explained different types of content formats and how you can find them

  2. Engagement - what posts do exceptionally well? Look at likes and comments

  3. Screenshot the posts that you like

At the end of your research, you should have 30 - 50 screenshotted posts. Now you have to put the posts all in one place. I prefer creating PowerPoint slides where I have up to 8 images on one slide. 

After you are done, take a breather, let it all sink in. Look at the different posts, and here is where you have to start creating content. 

How do these screenshotted posts relate to your niche? I came across a post that showed a “self-love affirmation wheel,” so I thought a fun post would be “Instagram Story Ideas Wheel.” Click here to check out my live post on Instagram.  

The purpose is to get inspired and to translate the format into your own niche. 

3. Value

Now that you know the process of creating content, you need to make sure to provide value. Don’t post an image on your Instagram because you feel obligated to post. I rather post nothing than post something that provides zero value. Be sure to mix your content up, so your followers don’t get bored. 

Talk soon,


P.S: Don’t forget to get my free Instagram Cheat Sheet “10 Posting Ideas.” Send me the Instagram Cheat Sheet to my email inbox.


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