Is Instagram oversaturated?

A question a lot of new bloggers and Instagramers are asking themselves. Looking at Instagram, everyone’s response would be “Sure. It is oversaturated.” BUT this response is false! Instagram is NOT oversaturated with bloggers and content creators, like your unique self as long as you follow the three steps outlined below. I see so many accounts posting random stuff with zero value or direction. Don’t be that person!

Before you start your account, think about the why, what and value.  

Why - ask yourself why you want to start an online presence in the first place. Is it to support your existing online efforts, do you want to run your entire business on Instagram, or do you want to use this platform as a portfolio to show off your work?

What - what is your niche? Don’t start an Instagram account without a niche in mind. A niche is not referring to a category like travel or food. Be precise; paint a mental picture of what you want your account to look like. Defined niches are traveling with a toddler, vegan recipes, sugarless desserts, working out with everyday items, and motivational coaching. 

Value - what expertise are you providing to your followers? Don’t be freaked out by the thought of giving value and let it intimidate you. Providing value and expertise can be as simple as where to find the best clothing deals, how-to’s, what not to do, reality vs. expectations, make-up tutorials, the list goes on. 

As long as you follow these three steps and post high-quality content, you will add value to the platform. Keep in mind there is only one of you, even in an oversaturated market. You can use the bread aisle in a supermarket as an example. Each market has an entire aisle dedicated to bread, so you might think of it as an over-saturated aisle. Yet, companies are launching new bread varieties left and right. What I’m trying to say is don’t focus on your competition and don’t think of Instagram as an oversaturated place. There is no one like yourself online so show off your expertise while keeping the three steps in mind. 

Talk soon,



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