It’s a little weird, but watching TV can help you start a business

What the food network taught me about starting a business.  

I love watching the food network!

The food network taught me how to prepare the perfect steak, and how to make the juiciest burger but it also taught me how to run a business. You might ask yourself: “How can a show about food teach you anything about starting a business.” Well, let me tell you. 

The Food Network is hosting a show called The Next Food Network Star which I love! The basic idea behind the show, like any other casting show, is to find the best-suited person for TV. Over a period of a few weeks, ten contestants fight for one spot on the Food Network. 

Having a Niche

During the show, the contestants have to cook while entertaining the audience with bits and pieces about their lives. Typically the show’s participants have about 45-minutes to prepare a dish that somehow fits within their niche. Every participant on this show has a niche. You rarely see someone who says “I can cook it all” but instead each contestant has one specific niche that they are focused on. This could be anything like southern cooking, south-western flavors, or spicy fiery Latin cuisine. So how does that connect in any way to your goal of starting a business?. Focusing on one niche and owning that space is the only way to start a business. Don’t try to cover everything because in the end you will be known for nothing. Instead, you want to be that person that is known for the amazing Instagram Stories or copywriting. 

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Just like I described in my book “Instagram Strategies & Tactics”, having a niche is one of the most important things you have to figure out when starting a business. If you want to learn more about how to create a niche on Instagram, check out my book “Instagram Strategies & Tactics” on Amazon.     

Share a Personal Story

Once the contestants are done cooking, it’s time to present their dishes to the judges. Every challenge starts with a one to five-minute dish demonstration. During the video demonstration, contestants introduce themselves to the audience and they let everyone know what they are known for and how the dish relates to them. The key to engaging the viewers is to draw them in by sharing a personal story that connects with the viewer. It’s not enough to just show off your dish instead you have to create a story that ties in your current dish with a personal story. The video ends with the contestant’s tagline if they have one. The most important aspect of the game is to sound natural and inviting. 

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You should do the same when creating video content for your business, regardless of what platform you are uploading it to. Start off by introducing yourself to the viewer, especially if you are a newcomer. Don’t expect people to know who you are. In order to keep your viewers engaged, you want to draw them in with a personal story or experience. Invite your viewers into your thought process of why you decided to make this video. If you create a relationship with your viewers they are much more likely to convert. Sharing personal or vulnerable stories might mean stepping out of your comfort zone but you will be surprised by the audience's response and retention rate. No one is interested in watching a plain education video but rather is interested in seeing someone who experiences the same struggles. Just like the Food Network contestants are getting better with their videos over time so will you. 

Utilize Instagram Stories

Another essential part of the show is the usage of social media. Over the years the importance of utilizing Instagram Live and Stories gained popularity. Nowadays, contestants are asked to record 15-second snippets to take the viewers behind the scenes. 

Just like the candidates record their meal preparation and share a personal story so should you. Record snippets throughout your day to take your viewers on your daily journey.

Record Instagram stories to show behind-the-scenes content, provide essential tips, and share personal stories. A successful Instagram Story consists of three elements: beginning, middle, and end. My book Instagram Strategies and Tactics explains in-depth how to create successful Instagram Stories

Use the beginning of your story to prepare your followers and outline what they can expect from you throughout the day. The middle part is the “meat” of your story. At this point, you share a tip or personal story. The end lets your viewers know that you will be finishing your stories for the day. Thank them for following along and prepare them for what’s next.

The main takeaway from the show is that you have to consistently engage with your followers and repeatedly let them know what you stand for. This will ensure brand awareness and you will be associated with your niche. 

Use your daily experiences or even what you watch on TV to see how it can relate to you. You will be surprised how the key to your success is right in front of you.

Thanks for stopping by!


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