5 Tools Content Marketers Swear By

Creating content means staying organized and this comes from a person who sometimes is all over the place. I am old school, I love to write down my ideas on a piece of paper but I always digitize them! You gotta have your ideas in one place to keep track of your progress. Here are my five tools content marketers need to use! 

Five tools marketers swear by
  1. Trello

  2. Canva

  3. Ubersuggest

  4. Miro

  5. Whiteboard

  1. Trello

Trello is a management tool that lets you collaborate with fellow team members or your Virtual Assistant (VA). I personally use it to organize my blog content and create tasks for myself. This way I stay organized and know what needs to be done before I hit the publish button. I also use Trello’s calendar tool to create my editorial calendar. 

2. Canva

I love photoshop and lightroom but nothing beats Canva. Canva is like the coffee to go, it’s easy, affordable, and accessible from anywhere. I am sure you heard of Canva by now, if you haven’t this platform lets you create beautiful graphics for your website, social media, and offline activities. The tool offers a free and a paid plan. If you opt-in for the paid plan, you have access to thousands of icons, images, and fonts. If you want to be an efficient solopreneur then you need this tool! 

3. Ubersuggest

I personally like ubersuggest, especially for busy and broke solopreneurs, it’s the perfect option. It’s much more affordable than its competitors Moz & co who charge $200+ per month. Google Keyword Planner, is a free tool to use and Ubersuggest and Moz also offer free plans. The difference between a free and paid plan, you guessed it, are the available search queries and insights. If you are serious about starting your business you need to invest in an SEO tool. 

4. Miro

Miro is one of my favorite tools and I use it almost daily! Miro is a cloud-based collaboration tool. It’s basically a gigantic whiteboard that captures your ideas, sticky notes, and images. Miro is free to use for up to three whiteboards. Miro is also available as an app for the phone or iPad which makes my life so much easier! 

5. Whiteboard

While I am a huge fan of Miro, I still have a small whiteboard standing on my desk. There is nothing more satisfying than picking up the pen and scribbling onto the whiteboard. When you are done, you erase it all. Gosh, I love it! I use my whiteboard mainly to write down my daily to-dos. Visually seeing my to-dos made me a more productive and efficient business owner. 

Check out the five different tools, most of them are free, to get more organized in your business.


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