3 Reasons You Need to Show Your Face on Camera

1) It humanizes your brand

When people can see the person behind the brand, it can make the brand feel more relatable and personal. This can create a sense of connection and familiarity with the audience, which can help to build trust and loyalty. Showing your face online can be particularly important for small businesses, where the personal touch can be a big differentiator.

If you see the owner of the brand or a person who manages the online accounts, it will help people to connect better with your brand because you see someone's facial expression and genuinity. Being genuine goes a long way. Creating an authentic connection helps to bridge the gap from being a brand to a friend you can trust. 

When a brand can humanize itself, it can make it more approachable and less intimidating for customers, which can increase the likelihood of engagement and sales.

Showing your face can be a powerful way to build trust and connection with your audience.

2) It builds trust

Showing your face can demonstrate that you are a real person, not just a faceless entity behind a website or social media account that is trying to scam people. 

When people can see your face in a video, photo, or live stream, they can read your facial expressions and emotions, which can help them to understand your message better, feel more connected to you and trust your intentions.

By consistently showing your face and expressing your personality, you can create a strong, recognizable brand that will help you stand out in a crowded online space.

3) People want to see who they're buying from

Many people want to know who they are buying from, especially when buying stuff online. Seeing a face can create a sense of familiarity and a human connection. When people see the person behind the brand, they may feel more inclined to trust the brand and be more comfortable with making a purchase.

Additionally, people tend to trust and support small businesses when they can see the face of the owner. It makes the business more relatable and trustworthy.

Showing your face online can help to build a sense of authenticity and credibility, which are important factors in attracting customers.

But why do large brands don't show any faces?

There are several reasons why big brands may choose not to show faces online. One reason is that the brand wants to be the focus rather than any individual representative. This allows the brand to maintain a consistent image and message across all of its marketing efforts.

Another reason could be that the brand wants to appeal to a wide range of customers and showing a face may limit the audience because it can create a certain bias or association in the viewer's mind.

Additionally, big brands may choose not to show faces to protect the privacy and personal lives of their employees and representatives. Large brands want to come across as more professional and showing a face can make it less formal, less serious.

Take Starbucks as an example. Starbucks is a large, multinational corporation and like many other big brands, it may choose not to show faces online. Starbucks most likely wants to maintain a consistent image and message across all of its marketing efforts, and showing individual faces may detract from that.

Showing faces of the employees or representatives may not align with the company's privacy policy and the personal lives of those individuals may not want to be in the public eye.

If you are running a large corporation, I doubt that you are reading this article. So I want to appeal to smaller brands and solopreneurs, because showing your face online can help to create a personal connection with your audience and build trust. Especially if your goal is to build a personal brand. When people can see the person behind the brand, they may feel more inclined to trust and engage with you.

In the end, showing your face online revolves around the same idea that you want to connect. 


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